
Graphene-T® is the Exfoliated graphene sheet of few layers containing elemental fractions of Carbon range as 96-99%.
Chemical functional groups such as lactone, carbonyl and hydroxyl are naturally presence throughout the surfaces & edges making it compatible with the base matrices.
These desired deffects act as a linker ligand with the host materials.

Graphene-T® represents the standard form of graphene with the advantage of reactive desired deffects, and can be used to enhance the performance and durability of Batteries, super capacitors, reinforcement of polymers & coating applications and more.

Graphene-T® is also available in various grades based on the functional group presence, mainly Carboxyl [-COOH], Hydroxyl[-OH], Phosphate[-P04] & Amine[-NH2] group.

Graphene-T® can be supplied in the form of a stable dispersion of a select solvent & graphene mixed in various polymers [Master batch of graphene based polymeric nanocomposite].

Graphene mixed master batch polymers are available up to 20% loading in thermoplastic namely, Polypropylene, Polycarbonate, LLDPE, Nylon etc.

Parameters Graphene-T® Values
Thickness 8-10nm
Lateral Dimension 10µ
Layers 10-16
Bulk density 0.45g/cc
Purity >98%
Porosity over surfaces 06 nm
Atomic Oxygen Content <2%
Atomic Carbon Content 96-99%


Advantages of Graphene-T®:

  • Consistent quality.
  • Compatible & easy mix with host Material.
  • Originated as reactive & desired defects.
  • No extra equipment needed to handle.
Graphene-T Spectra

Graphene-T® is comprised of a few layered aggregates of sub-micron platelets in the powder form of graphene measuring 10-20 microns in diameter with a high aspect ratio.

A minute quantity Graphene-T® mixed with a host material such as polymers or metals, improves the Mechanical, Thermal & Electrical properties of the host without significant increase in the finished product cost.


Application Areas Of Graphene-T®

Graphene-T® improves the mechanical performance, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and permeation barrier properties of a range of composites and formulations.

In Graphene-T®, the graphene layers are entirely disassociated ensuring good dispersion and ease of handling while providing the full performance advantages of graphene.

Graphene-T® has been successfully implemented and is recommended for following areas: Academic research centres, Industries Covering Composite/Structural materials, Paint & Coating, Energy Production and Storage, Biomedical, Electronics!


Contact and GRAPH-ON technical team will assist you in selecting the right product for your application.

Technical Datasheet for Graphene-T®

MATERIALS SAFETY Datasheet of GRAPHENE According to Regulations